2019 Coeliac Awareness Week

Coeliac Awareness Week

This week is Coeliac Awareness Week, which is organised by Coeliac Australia. I (Andy) thought I might contribute a couple of thoughts to push the idea of “treat gluten seriously” (#treatglutenseriously).

KOOEE! was the first brand to be endorsed for our gluten-free standards by Coeliac Australia. In doing so we learnt a lot about coeliac disease, and gluten-free food in Australia.

Furthermore, two of us at KOOEE live with partners who have coeliac disease, including me! My girlfriend Suzi is one of many coeliacs in her family. I live in a gluten-free household, and all my cooking is gluten free. I have personally witnessed how hard it can be, especially when we are eating outside the home (and travelling!). There’s also the constant fear of getting it wrong (being “glutened”).

About 1 in 100 Australians have coeliac disease. In the spirit of Coeliac Awareness Week, we ask that everyone treats gluten seriously, especially those working with food professionally. Know that Australians on Gluten-free diets will reward you with loyalty when you care about getting it right. There are plenty of resources on the Coeliac Australia website if you’re interested, and I’ve also written a bit on this website in the past.

For those with Coeliac disease themselves, please support products with the “Coeliac Australia” logo.



KOOEE! Co-Founder

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